Thursday, 31 December 2015

2016 and More Reading!

2016 and Even More Reading!

Hello and happy new year! So keen followers - if I still have any of you left that is haha - might have noticed I haven't posted in...say...EONS! But that's about to change. Akin to my usual problem-solving methods:
  • I've diagnosed the problem: A lack of things to write about and a lack of time and effort to write those things.
  • I've given it some thought and rolled it around my head periodically.
  • I've come up with the solution: READATHONS!

Yep, I will be doing readathons and giving you updates here as I go along. I will also be attempting reviews, however I want to try and put them away a bit and branch out into other book-blogging endeavours. I will also be doing Top Ten Tuesdays from now on, starting from next Tuesday. Just as a bit of a look forward, these are the readathons I'll be participating in this January:
  • Winter Biannual Bibliothon: 3rd-9th
  • #AYEARATHON: 4th-10th
  • Then I get a week off! Hopefully I'll have a review to post here :D
  • RYBSAT: 19th-25th

Links will be posted in my pre-readathon posts I do for them and my first post, for the Winter Biannual Bibliothon, will be up hopefully on the 2nd of January.

Keep reading!

Abi Ainley